Domestic outdoor furniture market development affected by the problem


Among the 30 interviewees, there are 8 brand dealers and only 3 brand agents, all of which are operated by foreign enterprises and contracted by enterprise employees or their families; The rest are independent "integration" outdoor furniture products, and do not operate a brand, such dealers are based on the daily sales of products directly to the manufacturer orders, or according to customer needs, ask its OEM.

Most of these dealers' eyes are limited to the price and style of the product, and will not think too much about the quality of the product. Blindly pursuing short-term performance is not only detrimental to the long-term development of the market, but also the possibility of being eliminated by the market has increased.

First, the extensive management in the early stage led to difficulties in brand building in the later stage. First of all, we analyze from the perspective of marketing. In general, the process of choosing a brand is as follows: 1. Look at the strength and development trend of the manufacturer; 2. Look at the manufacturer's policy; 3. Look at the development potential of the brand; 4. Look at the sales concept of the company; 5. Look at the quality of its products; 6. Look at the price of its products; 7. Look at the selling points. This argument can not be said to be absolutely accurate, but at least in the current China is a more rational choice process. In reality, most dealers have put the cart before the horse, and some even focus on product prices and selling points. Therefore, even if the advantage of low prices in the short term to quickly occupy the market, but inevitably weak. Some people think that this is nothing, just do it for a while and then change the name, change the brand, and start over. For this practice, different people have different opinions, who is right and who is wrong, and they have their own conclusions. But understand that the market is a cash cow for dealers, dealers can choose the brand, but can not determine the market. If there is no brand, there is no influence, and there is no market voice.

Second, at this stage, China's outdoor furniture market is not standardized, mixed, disorderly and vicious competition affects the overall market environment. Due to the different environment of placement, outdoor furniture has more stringent requirements in material selection and process than indoor furniture. However, because the concept of outdoor leisure is not yet popular in the country, the vast majority of consumers do not understand outdoor furniture, and can only blindly listen to the introduction of the buyer when purchasing products. Some companies and distributors with ulterior motives will take advantage of this, lower product quality standards, use price advantages to attract customers, regardless of the harm caused by low-quality products to people's bodies and the sustainable development of the industry. For this phenomenon, some dealers surveyed are very worried. They said that if it is allowed to continue its vicious development, the outdoor boom of domestic consumers is just emerging, and it is very likely to be extinguished by this basin of "ice water". And the frequent lack of quality events have made consumers such as frightened birds, once they are "hurt", and then want to recover, it is more difficult.

Third, enterprises and dealers intend to achieve mutual benefit and win-win. The relationship between many manufacturers is pure interests, both sides have racked their brains to maximize their own interests, manufacturers try their best to let dealers shop goods, do not consider whether the dealer can bear or whether the market is saturated; The dealers are trying to get more costs and support from the manufacturers, and even some at the expense of the interests of the manufacturers, such as false market costs, exaggerated product losses, cross-regional loading, destruction of the price system and so on. These behaviors not only have a huge negative impact on the overall market promotion process of manufacturers, but also have their own integrity overdrawn in advance.

Speaking of this, we have to mention the battle for dominance of the terminal market between enterprises and dealers. The reason why there is such a competition is mainly because the senior management of the enterprise has made a subjective mistake: thinking that the channel and the terminal can be completely controlled by their own. Thinking that if you take control, you can fix everything. Therefore, enterprises spare no effort to formulate various treaties and set up rules and regulations to try to firmly hold the terminal sales channels and distributors in their hands. Many dealers interviewed said they had encountered similar situations, and the results were basically one beat and two scattered.

The market is open to everyone, there is no so-called complete control of sales channels and terminal markets, and no matter how strong the company is, there is no way to prevent other peers from entering. What we can do is to manage reasonably and master the right to speak in the market.

Any enterprise that wins in the fierce market competition is often the enterprise that has mastered the market discourse power or pricing power. To master the right to speak in the market, we must first have the competitiveness of core technology. At present, although the core content and physical characteristics of the new products launched by China's outdoor furniture companies are roughly the same, they have yet to be integrated in the marketing theme concept packaging. If the industry leader enterprises can integrate, jointly push a concept, and appeal to this concept to the status of industry standards, this can effectively improve the standards and thresholds of the entire industry, and to rectify non-standard enterprises and encounter behaviors that destroy the healthy operation of the market, so as to control the voice of the market. On the contrary, dealers want to improve their influence in the local or increase the weight of negotiations with enterprises, they must also master the right to speak in the market.

To occupy more market share is the common goal of dealers and enterprises. At the beginning of the development of the domestic outdoor furniture market, enterprises should try to give support to powerful and reputable dealers, help them quickly open the market, and ensure product quality and provide high-quality after-sales service; After the dealer chooses a brand with development potential, in addition to developing the market, it should also contribute to enhancing the brand value. Only by elevating the relationship to a strategic alliance can the two sides achieve long-term development.