Outdoor furniture design concept, collocation scheme

1. Emotional design concept

The emotion of outdoor furniture is created through various elements, such as the use of red color to create a warm environment, through a variety of strange shapes to show a sense of humor, through decorative patterns to show cultural heritage and so on. In short, outdoor furniture through a variety of elements to serve people, so that people enjoy the spirit of pleasure while playing, so as to achieve edutainment, love in the scene. However, the realization of this collision between mind and object is the dialogue between people and outdoor furniture, arousing people's inner emotions and obtaining a sense of identity in the mind. The emotional design elements of outdoor furniture include color emotion, texture emotion, modeling emotion, decorative emotion and space emotion.

(1) Color emotion. Color is everywhere in life. The colors of outdoor furniture are divided into natural colors (natural colors) and artificial colors. The color of outdoor furniture is intuitive and has a strong visual impact. Although for the color itself, it has no emotion at all, but the coordination between different colors can form a variety of emotions and mood, giving viewers different inner feelings. For example, green symbolizes nature and conveys a pure inner experience; Black represents calm, giving people a sense of security; Red represents joy, giving people joy; Blue symbolizes deep, giving people far-reaching and so on. The right color match gives the viewer a pleasant inner feeling, on the contrary, the disharmonious color will bring negative effects.

(2) Texture emotion. Texture refers to the feeling brought by the material and quality of an item. Different textures give people with emptiness and transparency, crystal and clear, joy and sadness. Such as wood gives a sense of warmth, metal gives a sense of condensateness, glass gives a sense of crystal clear, sandstone gives a simple and remote. The texture of outdoor furniture is divided into two kinds, one is the tactile feeling, which is a direct touch with the human body, the thickness and soft and hard, cold and hot and light can be truly experienced; The second is the visual experience, which is related to people's life experience, and needs a long period of time to accumulate in order to perceive.

(3) Modeling emotion. The shape of outdoor furniture is constituted by its form, that is, through the three-dimensional space of point, line and surface. Such as the curved movement of the line and the space composition can show all the furniture shape, and express the emotion and beauty, momentum and strength, personality and style. And geometric curves give people a sense of reason, bright and so on. The essence of form design is to create changeable forms from basic forms. New things and new thinking are born with the development of society. New and unique outdoor furniture will always make people have different inner feelings. On the contrary, mediocre outdoor furniture gives people a sense of bland or even disgust. In their subtle play gradually develop creative thinking ability. In addition, the shape of outdoor furniture also has a certain style, forming the characteristics of different cultural deposits. Such as European outdoor furniture with bright color design scheme as the main color, outdoor furniture washing process can make the furniture show classical beauty. The land is fertile and prosperous, and it depends on the combination of red, yellow and blue.

(4) Decorate emotion. Outdoor furniture has an indispensable construction in the environmental space, such as columns, walls, sitting surfaces, etc., which need to be beautified to visually form a perfect outdoor environment. And to beautify is inseparable from decoration, decoration refers to the means of artistic processing of daily necessities or living environment. Decoration is an aspect of human instinct desire and a manifestation of self-spirit. The decoration of outdoor furniture includes functional decoration, artistic decoration such as carving, inlay and painting flowers and other cultural decoration. Decorative emotions can be created through the combination of materials, colors, textures and patterns. In terms of material performance, ceramics symbolize a kind of elegance and nobility; Glass symbolizes purity and transparency; Wood symbolizes warmth and nature; Metal is a symbol of hard and cold; Plastic symbolizes soft and friendly, green symbolizes harmony and nature. In addition, the emotional decoration of outdoor furniture is often combined with green plants.

(5) Spatial emotion. Design is space, color, design to return to the standard. This shows how important space is to design. The space is divided into single space and combined space. There are also three divisions of virtual and real space, dynamic and dynamic space and open and closed space. Outdoor furniture is an open space in the performance of single space, conveying a broad and open-minded emotion, while the combined space is often a private independent internal space, giving people a sense of security and cramped, outdoor furniture space is through its relationship with the scale to grasp. The best reference is the human scale, because outdoor furniture is used by people, and its scale is based on the human scale. It is necessary to comprehensively understand and analyze the overall harmonious proportional relationship between people and outdoor furniture, outdoor furniture and architecture, and outdoor furniture and environment. Under the guidance of aesthetic principles, reasonable layout and precise division create a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere.

2. Harmonious design concept

For outdoor furniture, the harmonious design concept is not a simple creation of people's cognition, it is related to the relationship between the three elements of people, outdoor furniture and the environment. It is a question of coordination and balance. The concrete embodiment of the harmonious design of outdoor furniture can be divided into the following three aspects:

(1) Coordination with outdoor furniture. People in the park are old, young, women, children, pregnant women, disabled people, they have different ways of behavior and habits. For example, some people are used to having a right hand, and some people are born with a left hand. These people have obvious differences in the behavior characteristics when using outdoor furniture. The disabled are vulnerable groups, they need more care. Therefore, the design of outdoor furniture should consider the psychological characteristics of these people, in order to serve people more broadly and be accepted by the public. Such as the height of the garbage can, the width of the disabled access, the length of the seat, etc., should meet the ergonomic and aesthetic principles.

(2) The coordination of outdoor furniture and outdoor furniture. The coordination of the outdoor furniture itself is the internal coordination, in terms of the outdoor stool, the chair body and the back of the chair, the head pillow and the back school, the tilt of the branch, etc., are suitable. In addition, there are color matching and scale factors. The second is the coordination between outdoor furniture and other types, such as the coordination between pavilions and corridors, garbage bins and signs, lamps and landscape walls.

(3) the coordination of outdoor furniture and the environment. The environment here refers to the natural environment and the social environment. The coordination of the natural environment focuses on the vision of sustainable development. Outdoor furniture is a medium for direct dialogue between people and nature, and can coordinate the relationship between people and the environment. For example, Hui-style buildings use black, white and gray as unified colors. When designing outdoor furniture, it is necessary to consider it and the overall architectural style. Ancient literati like to inscribe poems, carve, and paint patterns on outdoor furniture, which is actually to express a cultural connotation and highlight personality. We should see the story behind these cultural outdoor furniture.

In short, the concept of harmonious design of outdoor furniture is a systematic work combining a variety of disciplines, and is the product of the combination of man-outdoor furniture and the environment, and the three are indispensable. These three combinations contradict each other, complement each other, are relatively independent and inseparable.